From a Fly to a Crowe - Trying to Be Like Bono

The many moods of Russell Crowe, courtesy of Salon:
"This record is fresh, revelatory and graceful." That's Russell Crowe, writing with customary modesty about his upcoming solo record, "My Hand, My Heart." Best of all, says Crowe, is the song "Raewyn," "the only song I've ever written that has made both men and women cry, think and call their parents, usually in that order." And he's got testimonials from famous friends to prove it. "I have e-mails from Sting and Billy Bragg � that give testament to the quiet power of this song." Crowe actually went so far as to post the e-mails on his Web site, although they've now been removed, after he was widely mocked for doing so. "Raewyn" was put up for download on iTunes Tuesday, so now you can judge just how quietly powerful it is for yourself. And if you need some help appreciating its quiet power, you may find it useful to read the 1,000-word explanatory "Background to Raewyn" that Crowe has posted in the news section of his site. I say don't waste your dollar. The song is dull, sentimental, confessional singer-songwriter blahness.
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