Thursday, April 14, 2005

the year in review. belatedly.

I forgot about this gem on the self-proclaimed "Best Page in the Universe" until Dave reminded me about it yesterday. Having now heard this abominable record, it's even funnier. Not only that, but it's got some good images and sound clips, to boot. And don't forget to read all the way to the end for the quintessential Bono quote. So without further ado...

The Eleven Worst Songs of 2004

Narrowing down the worst songs of 2004 to a mere eleven was possibly the hardest thing I've ever done. What, with Jessica Simpson's "ReJoyce" Christmas-exploitation album, Lindsay Lohan's aural holocaust, "Speak," and Celine Dion's pretentious bullshit "Miracle," and by the way, I didn't think it was possible for me to hate Celine Dion anymore than I already did until I saw the cover of her newest album and accompanying calendar for the modern "grrrl power" super-bitch who finds solace in Dion's brash self-righteous smuggery. Alas, I used some restraint and narrowed the list down to eleven. Here they are:

the list


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